Sunday, June 27, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Mia - 11th June 2010 -

Just one of those nights... Just one of those nights...

I bit my lower lip hard as my forehead wrinkled and folded into hundred lines of late night phobias. I started to sweat, when it was cold at that moment, not as warm as I wanted it to be. Turning my shivering body to my right side, my half-shut eyes quickly captured the moonlight shadowing the darkness inside my bedroom from my window glass. I tucked both my hands on the underside of my favorite pillow and tried to comfort my head as much as I could. There was no wind inside, yet I felt as chilled as if I was standing outside in my garden in the middle of the night, with the breeze flying pass my body, and droplets of rain piercing through my pale skins.

I closed my eyes, shaking my head slowly, wanting the imagination to quickly escape from my exhausted mind. I still remembered a minute ago, I was washing my face and saw my own reflection on the mirror in my bathroom. I never looked so horrible in my life. My eyes were bloodshot red, black shadows covering on the bottom of it as if I was wearing mascara, except I was not. My face was pale, or maybe the whole of my skins were pale. I looked thinner, and for some reason I was sickly happy about it. My head ached so bad I wish I could slap it on a wall. Hard. Being afraid of my own reflection, I quickly went to the kitchen and took a bottle of warm water. Inside my room, I got my pills out from the cupboard. Before taking most of it into my hands, I sat on the edge of my bed feeling frustrated because I had to take these pills yet again to help me fight my own problem. But whether I fought or not inside my mind, debating about it, those pills were going to end swallowed in my throat and into my stomach. As always.

I could not feel warm, comfortable or safe whenever the night came. Every after midnight, I would need to find my self doing anything, just anything, so that I did not have any barriers to let my self think, especially not whilst alone. It could be dangerous if I had to sit alone in my room, lying on my bed and did nothing. I could even cry or shout so suddenly, out of nowhere. And I did not want to ever do that again, just to make people worried. It was so hard for me, so hard that I wish I had a friend, invisible or not, to stay inside my room during midnight until dawn just to accompany me and fought with me the traumas I had. I would not mind if the person was silent all the time, just be there and hold my hands, do tell me I am not alone. Please, somebody...

Just one of those nights... Just one of those nights...

The clock showed it was 3:56 a.m. It was almost dawn. I shook my head, feeling my self was on the edge of crying. My tears were wet, still strongly not letting those tears to roll down off my cheeks. I swallowed, before slowly sitting up and crawled out of my blanket. Inside the darkness of my room, I went to take my phone at the table and decided to open the Music Gallery. My fingers quickly scrolled the button down to find a song that would always accompany me through my sleepless nights. I found the song and smiled alone like one crazy girl. Gripping the phone in my hands, I went towards my window and slowly looked outside the view. Dark, cold, and drizzles. I saw the moving trees, the moon, the stars, and I could not help but wish to be there with them. Sighing like some kind of lunatic, I closed the curtains in one swift movement and slammed my self down on the bed again. This time, I took the blanket to cover me, and laid on my back, facing the ceiling whilst the song still sang out lowly from the phones speaker.

I closed my eyes once more, starting to feel numb and exhausted everywhere on my body. I smirked, knowing how fast the pills worked on me. Then my favorite lyrics started to sing in the air. I sang it out together with the artist. Whispering like a demonic angel in the middle of the night, and at last feeling the hot, rolling tears on my cheeks. I did not open my eyes, instead shut it tighter, letting the song that accompanied me every night, sang me the lullaby that would make my heart in a perfect calming state.

As usual, for once, I felt like sleeping after a few minute of swallowing those pills. Killing me softly, I knew, but what could I do? I did not have anymore choice than to have eaten them all every time I had to sleep. I had to. I had to.

So kiss me and smile for me. Tell me that you will wait for me. Hold me like you will never let go. Cause I am leaving on a jet plane, dont know when I will be back again. Oh baby, I hate to go...

As frustrated as always, I found my self drifted slowly to my dreamless sleep... Even if it would take only a few hours before the sun is rising, this could maybe feel better. Maybe I would feel safer as soon as I went to sleep, after all... Another warm tears rolled down my cheek. I rolled to my side and buried my face onto my pillow.

Just one of those nights... Just one of those nights...

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